Verweij Installs New Finishing Line
In association with their long term working partner in Holland, LTI Bv, Schuberts have helped to supply one of the most advanced and high capacity window finishing lines in Europe at Verweij Houttechniek.
After an unfortunate fire in late 2013, LTI Bv and Schuberts had to react quickly to get one of their most important customers back up and running in record time. Within 2 weeks, Verweij had a small manual window coating and rapid drying system (from Schuberts) installed to help them get back up and running, albeit in another part of the factory, covering just 30m x 12m footprint and around 30 flight bars per day production.
The new installation, only just commissioned, covers an area of 80m x40m and has a capacity of 56 flight bars, 5m long each, per shift (between 200 and 275 finished window sets per shift).
The 3 coat process, strictly follows the PPG recipe for Concept 4 Sigmalife system for super high quality and longevity.
A 25 micron (dry coating) flowcoat product is used first of all with a dynamic automatic flowcoater. The curing time inside the catalytic IR drying room is 2 hours.
The base coat is applied through a robot spray system to 75 microns (dry coating) and cured for 2 hours in drying room two.
Finally, a top coat is applied to 75 microns (dry weight) and cured for 4 hours (daytime) or 8 hours (night time).
For more information on joinery coating systems, email [email protected] or [email protected]