Tag Archive for: fit for purpose

Overhead Conveyor System and Schubox Finishing System For Joinery Manufacturer

A leading UK joinery manufacturer has taken delivery of an overhead conveyor system and custom Schubox CIR drying system from Schuberts.

An open-fronted spray booth was relocated along the factory wall, with steel work supports and manual tracking system.


The products are loaded onto the conveyor, sprayed and then put into the Schubox gas catalytic infra red drying system for between 15 and 30 minutes to cure properly, before being denibbed and then back for spraying.


The Schubox is very much a custom spec, being ATEX rated, 4000mm long x over 4000mm high and offset bias door sets on either end.

The complete system was installed in 6 working days, speeds up the whole process, allows the joinery to be coated both sides in one pass, whilst making a significant labour saving.