GRP Composite Door Manufacturer Cures Painting Issues
A major manufacturer of GRP composite door sets has recently invested in technology from Schubert Finishing Systems.
The composite skins are sprayed with a multi-coat water-based paint system. Traditional drying times on each coat with hot air range from 60 minutes to over two hours, depending on the time of year and film thickness applied.
Special jigs were manufactured and now each door is put inside a Schubox catalytic IR drying system for a 20 minute cycle.
Each door is masked off, sprayed both sides in a single pass and then loaded into the Schubox. 20-25 doors at a time can be loaded into the Schubox and with a cycle time of just 20 minutes, 400 doors per shift can be produced.
Key to the success of the Schubox is it’s rapid cure time, but also it’s low operating temperature of just 30c. This means that the composite doors are not subjected to the the heat energy of traditional drying systems that can cause warping, twisting and buckling of the door skin or core.
To see how simple, straight forward practical thinking can help your composite door coating business, email [email protected]